Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions Re: Princeton Bar Association CLE Accreditation

Why didn’t I receive a New Jersey Certificate?

The PBA registers all CLE programs with the Pennsylvania Board of Continuing Legal Education, not New Jersey. The Princeton Bar Association only issues the official certificate provided by the PA CLE Board and is not required to issue a separate certificate of attendance.

Is the PA CLE Certificate I received valid in New Jersey?

All attendees receive an official certificate of course accreditation from the Pennsylvania CLE Board. PA CLE credit is valid in New Jersey and New York on a 1:1 credit basis, as well as in any other state that accepts PA credits in reciprocity. This means that 1 PA credit is valid for 1 NJ credit, regardless of differences in credit hour calculation.

We recommend that our members make themselves aware of guidance provided by the State of New Jersey on CLE reciprocity. According to http://www.njcourts.gov/attorneys/attclefaq.html,

“New Jersey attorneys who are satisfying the CLE requirement of another mandatory CLE state or who take courses approved for CLE by another state will receive 1:1 credit for courses approved in that jurisdiction through reciprocity. However, attorneys should be aware that there are differences in requirements from state to state. Attorneys relying on reciprocity must ensure that they are also meeting the requirements of New Jersey’s program. For example, New Jersey requires that four credits be taken in courses related to ethics, professionalism and/or professional responsibility. In addition, half of the required credits must be earned from attendance at live courses with the instructor physically in the same room as the participants. A course taken that has not been approved in a mandatory CLE jurisdiction will not have the benefit of reciprocity.”

What do I do if I am also admitted in PA?

For PA CLE credit, you must submit the Pennsylvania CLE form to the PA CLE Board with a check for $1.50. The Princeton Bar Association does not provide this service. Instructions are on the bottom of the Certificate.

How do I claim the credit in New Jersey?

Keep your PA certificate in a safe place and include your PBA credit hours in your credit tabulation on your biannual report. The Princeton Bar Association does not report your credits to the State.  PBA credits will not appear on your NJICLE account.

What if I lost my Certificate of Attendance?

Contact the Princeton Bar President or an Officer or Trustee.

What is the cancellation policy?

You may cancel your registration up to Noon on the Friday before our Wednesday luncheons.  No-shows or cancellations after such time result in assessment of full payment.  You are welcome to send someone in your stead at no additional cost if you cannot attend.